Giving babies the best start for the rest of their lives...
The Transition Study
About 10% of newborns require resuscitation at birth. Sometimes newborns do not get enough oxygen before, during, or right after birth, which may cause long-term damage. A proven therapy to prevent or decrease brain damage is therapeutic hypothermia, lowering the baby's body temperature using a cooling blanket. This cooling must be started quickly within 6 hours of life and it can be difficult to identify infants early enough. The Transition Study will record baby's brain waves at birth using an EEG and hopes to better identify infants that could benefit from therapeutic hypothermia.
Who to contact if you want more information
The Research Team will be contacting you regarding your
interest in this study.
You may also contact the Sharp Mary Birch Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit (NICU) at: 858 939-4298, or
NICU Research Offices at:
858 939-4112